Sunday, April 16, 2006

Glorification of Irish Terrorism

Hmmm, someone better alert Scotland Yard - it seems many have decided to openly challenge the new glorification of terrorism offences. As I walked through North West London today, I witnessed scores of Irish men and women of all ages flying their tricolour, singing and dancing in celebration of the 90th anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising against British troops which was effectively the beginning of the end of centuries of British occupation. So all over the world today (incl Britain) the Irish drank and sang and drank and sang, and bellowed out rebel songs such as Kevin Barry and Bold Fenian Men, and then sang and drank some more. A day of rejoicing, a day of happiness, a day when the shackles of colonialism were finally thrown off and the pride of the Irish roared once again. They realised that day that freedom is never given - it must be taken. No more negotiations and second-rate sell-out deals - it was time to raise arms, and they did, and they celebrate today the martyrs of yesterday.

Come to think of it, the Yanks did the same thing - they didnt give the British flowers and a perfumed card requesting them to leave. By God, no - they fought and they too celebrate every 4 July. And lets not forget the forthcoming Victory Day in May to glorify the Allied not-so-peaceful vicotry over Nazi forces putting an end to their tyranny (only to emulate it ever since).

I look forward to the day when we can openly glorify and celebrate the armed liberation of Muslim lands and the humiliation of today's colonizers and oppressors such as the US, UK, Israel, Russia, and India. But in the meantime, in light of the precedent above, I think I would be excused for cheering our boys on during the current battles.

Tiocfaidh ár Lá


At 11:27 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe we should revamp the IRA now that its has declared peace and call it the "Islamic Republican Army"


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