Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Will They Ever Learn

Police arrested 2 more Muslim men today in Bolton for "possession of information which could be used in the commission, preparation or instigation of an act of terrorism," , an accusation which seems to allow the police carte blanché to do what they want. Again, 250 officers were involved in the operation overall in what has become a regular display of zealous Hollywood overkill. Luckily, nobody got shot this time.

One wonders then why everyone seems to be shocked when polls show that a majority of Muslims have lost faith in the police and are the most anti-Western in Europe. What is interesting is that while 57% of Muslims polled thought it wrong for the police to act to pre-empt potential terrorist attacks, even if the intelligence, information and warnings may turn out to be wrong, 74% of the general public thought the opposite. This is a clear display of the majority oppression of the minority. Of course those who do not feel threatened by the police believe that it is justifiable to carry out bungled raids on innocent people, for they are unlikely to be targeted in such raids. If they were, they would be just as disillusioned as the Muslims here.

We can all live in our own personal Utopian Britain until such time as our own door is broken down and our own family humiliated - then each and every one of us will lose faith in the police and will hardly feel eneamoured to a Western society which has demonised us beyond redemption.


At 12:19 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree here :(


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