Thursday, November 09, 2006

Palestinians must respond in kind

Another massacre, another atrocity, another day in Palestine. The world changed because a few thousand Americans were killed on 9-11. Britain exploited the killing of 52 of its citizens on 7-7 to justify its aggressive domestic and foreign policy. So what if you face that level of threat every day and see your people facing annihilation. Isn't your response justified? Insha'Allah the Palestinians will respond in kind. The world's hypocracy can be seen in their appeal on "both sides" to exercise self-restraint, when it is obvious to all that it is the Palestinians who are being systematically wiped out.

What will happen? The Palestinians will fight back with whatever means they can - stones, guns and human bombs. The world will condemn them and blame them for the woes of the world. A time comes when you just dont give a monkeys what the world thinks and many people in the world have already reached this level. The list is rapidly growing and pretty soon, the international community will see the fruits of its support for the genocide of Palestine. Muslims are getting fed up with this hypocracy and the chickens may think its time to come home to roost. What else can you expect?

The Israelis should expect a response ... very soon


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