Monday, January 22, 2007

We are ALL Terror Suspects

After reading the story below, I challenge anyone to honestly claim that this is not a war against Islam. What we are being told is that those 2 million Muslims who travel to Makkah every year are all potential terrorists. For those people who refuse to write campaign letters, attend demos or speak out against the government for fear of being put on a watch-list, are they now going to abandon this pillar of Islam?

We have been warned: The Propeht (saw) told us that our deen would be taken away from us bit by bit until all we were left with was salah, and then that too would be taken from us.

Terror watch on Mecca pilgrims

THE intelligence agencies are monitoring every Muslim who travels from Britain to Mecca on pilgrimage in a wider effort to piece together intelligence on suspected Al-Qaeda terrorist activity.

A senior Whitehall official has disclosed that the operation targeting trips to the holy city in Saudi Arabia by more than 100,000 British Muslims is part of a trawl by MI5 and MI6 for information about movements of suspected terrorists. It follows evidence that British Islamic terrorists have visited the city before carrying out attacks in Britain and abroad.

Read more,,2087-2558373.html


At 10:16 p.m., Blogger Nazia said...

I could not believe it when I saw this! They even stalk us to Hajj!!!


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