Thursday, May 24, 2007

Nobel laureate cancels UK trip over Israel boycott

Nobel laureate cancels UK trip over Israel boycott

An academic and Nobel laureate has cancelled a planned visit to a London university because of what he perceives to be "a widespread anti-Israel and anti-semitic current in British opinion".

But today in a letter to his host at Imperial, Michael Duff, Prof Weinberg said he was withdrawing from the trip.
In the letter, the professor said his decision was triggered by an agreement by the National Union of Journalists at its national conference to boycott Israeli products.
He wrote: "I know that some will say that these boycotts are directed only against Israel, rather than generally against Jews.
"But given the history of the attacks on Israel and the oppressiveness and aggressiveness of other countries in the Middle East and elsewhere, boycotting Israel indicated a moral blindness for which it is hard to find any explanation other than anti-semitism."

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