Friday, April 28, 2006

The Demonisation of Iran Continues

How long will it be before the world witnesses another battlefront open up between Islam and the West? It seems the US just cannot wait. Have they already forgotton about the mess they created next door in Iraq? Do they even care? It doesnt matter - they are getting gung-ho about this and will pay dearly.

Today, the demonisation took another few steps. Firstly, the US State Department concludes in its annual report on world terrorism that Iran is "the most active state sponsor of terrorism"; then the UN Nuclear Agency Chief reports to the Security Council that Iran has defied calls to halt uranium enrichment. And finally, the Simon Wiesenthal Centre in Washington calls on FIFA to ban President Ahmadinejad from attending the World Cup in Germany, comparing him to Hitler. Right then, a few questions to see how bad Iran actually is:

Which country is Iran currently occupying?
How many countries has Iran invaded and occupied in recent history?
How many times has Iran been attacked in recent history? By who?
Do nations under attack have the right to arm themselves in self-defence?
What is a greater crime? To simly call for the end of another state or to actually invade and occupy another state and ethnically cleanse it of its native inhabitants?

Despite the above, the US seems hellbent on attacking Iran; it must remember though that Iran is not Iraq - Iraq was a pitiful state, weakened by a decade of economic sanctions, lead by a despised dictator planted there initially by the CIA, and whose army and civilians would not back him. And contrary to popular opinion, it did not possess WMD. Iran, on the other hand, is a powerful successful nation, lead by a popular revolutionary leader who says aloud what the masses feel inside. Iran has enriched uranium and you can be sure that if the US is stupid enough to go to war again, the Iranian masses will relish their chances.


At 2:56 p.m., Blogger Sofi said...

yep, completely agree.

At 5:51 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

The public sound a lot more critical of the 'nuclear risk posed by Iran' after the Iraq disaster, thank goodness.

But then, there was a programme on radio called 'Atomic Ayatollahs' that was quite panick-mongering, so who knows which way public opinion will swing at the end of all of this demonisation.

I doubt any 'pre-emptive strike' will be put to a referendum anyway.

"The tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny"




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