Thursday, June 01, 2006

Islam: The Empowerment of Women

Masha'Allah, if we had brothers with a fraction of the eemaan of these sisters, many of our problems would be automatcially resolved.

Those who allege that women are subjugated in Islam should read this article as an example of the heights to which women may be elevated if they submit themselves fully to their Creator as in the case of Asiya Andrabi below.

"Our strong belief is that Kashmir should be part of Pakistan ... We believe in Muslim unity. There's no nation in Islam, and Muslims shouldn't be divided into countries."

"I believe in the basic fundamentals of Islam. You can call me a fundamentalist if you like, I'm proud to be that."

"I don't believe in secularism, I don't believe that all the religions are good and that they're all based on truth."

Over the past two decades, Ms Andrabi has led campaigns against alcohol and prostitution in Kashmir. She has played an important role in closing down cinemas, accused television channels of corrupting the youth and has raided internet cafes and restaurants for allowing young couples to meet privately.

For her activism, Andrabi has been in and out of jail many times.

Recently, she accused beauty parlours of promoting obscenity, describing them as dens of prostitution. She issued an ultimatum, asking them to shut shop.

"A woman can beautify herself, but only for her husband," she tells me. "My husband says I have beautiful eyes and he loves them when I use kohl."


At 8:12 p.m., Blogger Muslim Unity said...

Very Good!


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