Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Denying the Undeniable

Tony Blair made a number of ridiculous statements today, the implication being that Muslims are in denial about the threat coming from our community. Ironically, it is this man and his government who are in denial of the fact that their policies were the prime reasons for the bombings and that for Muslims, the threat comes from the West who continues to carry out a brutal barbaric war against Islam in all parts of the world

"If we want to defeat the extremism, we have got to defeat its ideas and we have got to address the completely false sense of grievance against the West."

It may be more beneficial to quit being in denial of the fact that the West is at war with Islam and Muslims. The governemnt knows it and the Muslims know it. The crazy thing about war though Tony is that you run the risk of suffering reprisals every now and again.

"In the end, government itself cannot go and root out the extremism in these communities. "

So why then are 250 plus officers being sent in to the homes of innocent Muslims in the middle of the night to root out and shoot "extremists"?

Today's statements really expose the fact that the government taskforce on extremism set up post 7-7 was really nothing more than a PR stunt. Calling in 100 Muslims consisting of self-appointed leaders, MPs, Peers and millionaires is no way to try and engage with the grassroots. The government never had any intention to solve the problem, only to pursue an agenda aimed at destroying the concept of jihad in the minds of Muslims. This was blatantly the motivation behind the scholars roadshow or the 'Radical Middle Way Project'.

For years we have had the issue of British imams rammed down our throat, that foreign imams are to blame for extremism and terrorism. So what does the government do - it doesnt engage a single British Imam to participate in the roadshow - all the speakers were flown in by the Foreign Office (is this not a domestic issue?) from USA, Yemen, Morocco and elsewhere to preach a message of pacification. When British Muslims decided to organise their own scholars tour on "Roles and Responsibilities' in which the vast majority of the speakers and imams were British-born and raised, they received no attention whatsoever. Why? Because while these speakers condemned the London bombings, they also spoke of the duty of Muslims to resist injustice and oppression and to support the mujahideen around the world, to refuse to be treated like second-class citizens and to always speak the truth. This message is one that resonated with the majority of Muslims at the grassroots level. The Government needs to wake up - most of us support "violent jihad" around the world and will continue to do so for when one faces extermination, he will do everything that is in his power to survive. Be warned.


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