Sunday, July 16, 2006

More False Grievances against the West

Mr Blair seems to think that Muslims have a "false" sense of grievance against the West.

Can you imagine if tomorrow, Algerian planes flew over London and bombed Heathrow airport and London Bridge before moving on to BBC. Then over the next few days, these Algerian planes continued to bombard Britain killing over 100 civilians over half of whom were children. Algeria defends itself by stating that since Britain has kidnapped and imprisoned over a dozen of its nationals without charge, it has the right to act in self-defence. What the hell would the West think if the Muslim world reacted by condemning retaliatory strikes by Britain on Algeria and arguing that Algeria had the right to self-defence?

Truly the signs of the Dajjal are here where Haqq is shown as Baatil and Baatil is shown as Haqq; the UN Security Council today voted unanimously to impose sanctions on North Korea for test firing a missile - the same UN Security Council which refuses to censure Israel for test-firing missiles on civilian populations in Gaza and Lebanon, murdering hundreds of civilians.

These people only speak one language - its time for us to master it.


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