Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Jewish Law: No Such Thing as "Innocents" of the Enemy

With Jewish fatwas like the one below, is it really any wonder that the death toll in Lebanon is almost at 1000 (over one third being children).

From Israel's largest newspaper,Yediot Aharonot, July 30:

Yesha Rabbinical Council: During time of war, enemy has no innocents

The Yesha Rabbinical Council announced in response to an IDF attack in Kfar Qanna that "according to Jewish law, during a time of battle and war, there is no such term as 'innocents' of the enemy."

All of the discussions on Christian morality are weakening the spirit of the army and the nation and are costing us in the blood of our soldiers and civilians," the statement said. (Efrat Weiss)

(07.30.06, 17:37)

"Yesha" is the Hebrew acronym for "Judea, Samaria and Gaza" -- the occupied West Bank, and Gaza Strip

See here for more on Jewish fatwas to ignore Christian morals

A similar statement was made in 2004 regarding the slaughter of Palestinians.

I did have a chat with an old friend of mine from the Neturei Kerta who is a Rabbi opposed to Zionism and he told me that these guys, the Yesha Rabbinical Council, are worst then Zionists because they try to justufy their actions with the Torah which he insisted is opposed to such things.

Nevertheless, we get Omar Bakri getting primetime TV and round the clock coverage for making similar statements; yet when a Jewish Rabbinical Council, which represents the settlers in Occupied Palestine says everything goes, complete silence.

Just more hypocracy and double standards.


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