Friday, September 22, 2006

Reid: Eeveryone is Suspect, even your Children

I know this is a bit late and will try to update the blog more regularly but John Reid and the Labour government's true colours are showing more and more - they have now pretty much come all out and labelled every Muslim child as a potential terrorist.

It is pretty ridiculous for Reid to assume that any parents can have that sort of control over their fully-grow children, and as for tell-tale signs, what are they? Please elaborate and allow us to know what is a tell-tale sign?

Let's be honest; what can we expect from a former hardcore Communist who even when the Muslims in Bosnia were being massacred in 1993, spent three days at a luxury Geneva lakeside hotel as a guest of Radovan Karadzic, the Serb general topping the list of war criminals wanted by the International War Crimes Tribunal at the Hague.

So Mr Reid, what are the tell-tale signs for allies of war criminals who go on to become British Home Secretaries?

As Osama Saeed points out, the reality is that Muslim parents clamp down on any political activity by their children - prevent them from attendign demonstrations, speaking out, writing to MPs, all due to their fear of their children being locked up and investigated for daring to exercise their political rights in this country.

As for Abu Izzedine, I don't normally have much time for al-Muhaajiroun and their ilk, but fair play on this occasion. He stood up and refused to allow Reid to just stroll into East London and demonise Muslim parents. Mind you, George Galloway smelled a rat and wrote an open letter to Mr Reid, part of which is pasted below.

The man who harangued you - Abu Izzadine - is a well-known and violent extremist from an organisation your own government has proscribed. Yet he was allowed within punching distance of the British Home Secretary. How ? Why ?

This is the same man who led a group of fanatic thugs in the brief "hostage-taking" of myself and my daughter and several innocent members of the public during a general election meeting last year. This is well known to the Special Branch and senior police officers in East London - the very people in charge of your security today.

This man has appeared on many occasions on television and in the press as a dangerous extremist who has praised the terrorist attacks on July 7th and 9/11. His comments were amongst those adduced in your own government's case for the proscription of the Al Ghuraba organisation.

There are only two conceivable explanations as to how this man, at this sensitive time, was allowed to hijack your Potemkin Village performance today.

Either our police and security services are so fantastically incompetent that Bin Laden himself might have slipped in to beard you at your podium. Or someone somewhere wanted to engineer precisely this confrontation to show you in a certain light and to portray the Muslims of Britain in the most aggressive violent and extreme way possible, as a justification for the utterly counter-productive policies you are following.


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