Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Blaming the Victim

I remember having a discussion about Palestinian resistance with a kaffir classmate a few years ago and his argument to me was that if the Palestinains refrained from martyrdom operations (or suicide bombs as he put it), they would gain the moral high ground and the world's sympathy. "Look at Gandhi" he kept saying. I of course argued profusely that the first martyrdom operation took place in the mid-90s after the Palestinians had endured almost 50 years of the world's brutal sympathy, which had resulted in their virtual ethnic cleansing.

I would like to meet this classmate today and ask him what he makes of the new tactic adopted today by the Palestinians - that of voluntary human shields. Would he agree that such Gandhi-like tactics are still laudable or would he take the Human Rights Watch line that they must be condemned wholeheartedly.

Whether the Palestinians use violence or peaceful protest as a methodology, it seems that they will be condemned by the world. Now, it seems even human rights organisations have jumped on the bandwagon of hypocracy.

Two Jewish writers have written superb pieces on why HRW and others need to stop producing such vomit-inducing statements and recognise the reality of what is happening on the ground - genocide.

Palestinians are being denied the righ of Non-Violence Resistance
Jonathan Cook

Human Rights Watch must retract its shameful press release
Norman Finkelstein

And just so we remember the sacrifices made by these larger than life women, please have a look at this footage (nice quran at end)


At 12:25 p.m., Blogger Nazia said...

I totally agree! They do not do it out of choice, this is the only way for them to defend themselves.

May Allah(swt) make it ease for all the brothers and sisters under occupation. Ameen.

At 2:39 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 5:30 p.m., Blogger Ki said...

so true


At 12:08 a.m., Blogger insomniac said...

JazakAllah khair for putting forward such an important point!

Ameen to your dua'as


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