Monday, December 11, 2006

Brown Sahibs: Coming Soon to a Theatre Near You

More useless government initiatives to deradicalize Muslims

Sacranie and Sadiq Khan are mentioned as being part of this - may explain why Sadiq didnt turn up to vote against the extradition treaty. May Allah give them what they deserve.

A Foreign Office spokesman said: "The idea is to promote British Muslims overseas, to try to get rid of the myth that British Muslims are oppressed, and to give Muslims in the UK the experience of how Muslims in other parts of the world live.


At 11:49 p.m., Blogger Ki said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA fools, it seems to have backfired a little.

"However, some of the trips appear to have backfired, with participants using them as a platform to criticise Britain and its government.

On a visit to Bangladesh, one of the travelling party claimed at a press conference that British employers are prejudiced against Muslims and are more likely to offer jobs to Hindus. On a trip to Singapore, a tour party member told journalists that British Muslims were "suspicious" of the British Government."

At 11:17 a.m., Blogger Nazia said...

It must be a REALLY good idea if they have them on board...


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