"The Jews and Christians will never be pleased with you until you follow their religion. Say 'Allah's guidance is the true guidance' lf you were to follow their whims and desires you would find no protector or helper besides Allah." (Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah 120)
"... Rank hatred has already appeared from their mouths: What their hearts conceal is far worse ..." (Surah al-Imran, Ayah 118)
The war on Islam took another nasty turn this week with Jack Straw's vicious attack on the niqab. Straw's justifications for his viewpoints fail to hold water when given a moment's consideration.
1. He feels "uncomfortable"
Well Jack, that's just tough. You are the elected representative of the constituency and your job is to represent their interests, not dictate to them what they should or should not wear. What next? MPs asking Muslim men to shave their beards because they deel "uncomfortable"? Imagine the outrage if a Muslim MP asked his constituents to cover up and dress modestly upon their coming to him for help.
2. The veil causes a communication barrier - people's facial expressions need to be seen for their opinion to be fully understood.
Does Mr Straw ever do business via the telephone? Didnt he write an article to express his view and give a subsequent interview over the radio, during which time nobody could see his face, but his views were clearly expressed without problem. Of course face-to-face is useful but not essential. I would like to ask Mr Straw whether it was a such an obstacle to communication when he went door-to-door looking for votes during his election campaign. I wonder why he never felt the need to ask them to lift their veils then to have a proper conversation.
3. The veil is a barrier to integration and community relations
So explain why fully veiled Muslim women are so self-alienated that they feel bold enough to visit their white Christian MP to engage in the Western democratic political system. All this will do is drive our "oppressed Muslim women" further away from political engagement and take away that voice it is alleged they don't have.
It seems that Jack Straw's comments have given the green light to his Islamophobic buddies to implement his beliefs, judging by the sister who was attacked in Liverpool following the comments.
Our deen is clear - the Prophet (pbuh) told us that the kuffar would try to take our dee away from us bit by bit until all we will be left with is salah and then they would take that away from us.
Organisations like the MCB should realise that by virtually condoning Straw's comments (even accidentally), they put the safety and security of the entire community at risk.
Insha'Allah their plots will get nowhere - after they banned the hijab in France, more and more sisters in Britan began to wear the hijab. Insha'Allah the same will happen with the niqab. May Allah (swt) protect those courageous sisters who bear the brunt of this pressure by choosing to preserve their modesty seeking only the pleasure of Allah (swt).