Friday, June 30, 2006

The Soccer World Cup. From Another Corner...

Received this email this morning - a timely reminder for us all.

The Soccer World Cup. From Another Corner...


At this critical juncture we find ourselves in a period where the talks, discussions, topics of conversation and focus of media networks, newspapers and various media centres around the Soccer World Cup. Many people would spend large sums of hard earned money to witness this spectacle live, while others would spend hours of valuable time glued to the television watching every move of their favourite team.

I would like to draw a parallel between the World Cup and our lives as Muslims.

It is really amazing how players engaged in a football match or any other code of sport find their lives guided and governed by the rules of the game. They are cognisant of the fact that if the rules are broken or the laws are flouted penalties would follow. The player is guided by the lines and boundaries and parameters of the game which he plays. As Muslims we have been sent for a greater purpose, the lines and boundaries that govern us are the lines and boundaries chalked out for us by Allah subhaanahu wa ta aala Allah says in the Glorious Quran: “These are the boundaries set by Allah, do not transgress them.” (Surah 2 Verse 229)

How strange it is that a person is so mindful about the 2 linesman watching his actions from either side of the field while he is unmindful of the Kiraaman Kaatibeen, on either side of his shoulder, writing all his actions.

How strange it is that a person would dare not touch the ball with his hand in the penalty area for fear of the referee penalizing him, while he dares to venture into touching that which Allah has prohibited him from, without any fear of impunity or repercussions.

How strange it is that a person on the soccer field is so cautious about not being caught off side, while he does not care if Allah catches him in places where he is not supposed to be.

How strange it is that we would do whatever it takes to be like our sporting heroes in terms of dress code , hairstyle and external appearances, to show our identity and loyalty; but there is nothing in us to show that we are the followers of the Greatest Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam).

How strange it is that a person fears the yellow warning card of the referee but fails to respond to the mild reprimands that have come from Allah in the form of trials and tribulations; the yellow card in the form of some sickness, the yellow card in the form of death in the family, the yellow card in the form of some financial loss, the yellow card in the form of a narrow escape from an accident or the yellow card in the form of relief from life threatening situation.

How strange it is that we are wary about the red card of the referee which would signify suspension or expulsion for a short period from the field of play, but totally unconcerned about those actions that would shift us out from Jannah for ever.

How strange it is that a person understands that after the final whistle is blown no matter how many goals are scored they can not count in his favour, but the same person fails to understand that when the final whistle for his life is blown no more good deeds could be added to his account for the Aakhirah.

How strange it is that a person would never think of putting his team at a disadvantage by scoring his own goal, but thinks nothing about doing harm to his own deen by his very own actions.

How strange is that a player is concerned about the millions of people around the world watching him in action but he seems to be unperturbed about the day when every deed of his will be played out in front of mankind on the Day of Qiyaamah.

Remember my dear brothers the matches in the World cup may go into injury time but as far as our life is concerned our time span in this world would not end a second earlier nor delayed a second later. "...when their appointed time comes they can not delay it for a moment nor can they bring it any earlier” (Surah 16 Ayat 61)

Sometimes a person is at the mouth of the goals but fails to put the ball at the back of the net. We say “He missed a sitter”, “He missed a golden opportunity”.

How often has Allah presented us with golden opportunities to gain nearness to him with the opportunity to look after aged parents, opportunities to assist the needy, opportunities to perform salaah, opportunities to give charity, opportunity to smile or reconcile friendship and family ties and opportunities to turn to him in repentance.

How often Allah asks: “Is there anyone seeking forgiveness that I may forgive him, Is there anyone seeking sustenance that I may sustain him, Is there anyone in any difficulty that I may ease his difficulty for him" (Bukhari & Muslim)

Shaytaan is playing a more dangerous game with you. He is sure to sit on your path tackling and defending ensuring that you do not reach your goal.

How often have you heard of a team scoring in the final seconds of a game to clinch victory. Shaytaan will continue to try to snatch away your Imaan until the final throes of death. Our defences have to be on full alert at all times

As Muslims we should not be running after the World Cup. We should actually be vying with each other for the cups that surround the pond of Kauthar from the Mubaarak hands of Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam).

If only we would make Allah our Goal, the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) our Model and the Quran our book of rules and regulations, we would be heading in the right direction.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Forgive me Oh Muslim

Forgive me Oh Muslim


Forgive me Oh Muslim
Forgive me Oh Oppressed
Forgive me for not trying
To relieve you of your stress.

Forgive me My Brother
For not shouting out your name
Shouting it out
To relieve you of your pain.

Forgive me Oh Sister
For not reaching out my hand
Your husband may be locked away
But let your trust in Allah stand.

Forgive me Oh Child
For not listening to your cry
Do not worry my child
Help is nearby

Close your eyes and imagine all the pain
The money, the happiness, and all the success you’ve gained
Close your eyes my friend
And listen to your heart
Listen to the beating and let us make a start

Imagine the scream of your sister as her husband lets go of her hand
Imagine her tears, as her husbands kicked and slammed
Imagine the child, bearing witness to all of this
Imagine your child, how you want him living in bliss

Imagine the torture, the humiliation and distress
Imagine the brother who knows, he’s now one of the Oppressed
As the police raid his home, demolish and destroy
The media wont tell you that the raids all a ploy

Not only will they shout, but they’ll break and they’ll take
Not only the brother, but the lives of his wife and kids are at stake
But don’t worry my friend, to you this is all but a dream
It hasn’t happened to you, so why would you shout and scream?

Please visit:

What would you do to Free a Prisoner?

Israel has threatened "extreme action" to free a soldier captured by the Palestinians. I fear to think what can be more extreme than the daily massacring of women and children. Already, the infrastructure in Gaza has been targeted with three bridges and a power station being destroyed in air strikes. Allah knows what is coming.

All this for just one solder. One soldier - a solitary man - has been captured and Israel believes it has the right to annihilate another people. Moreover, the world seems to agree. 1 million Palestinians have been held responible for the capture of one Israeli. And in a way it is admirable - the unity, the strength, the power to show the world that nobody messes with them. Honestly, when I see this type of action, I cannot help but remember the times when whole lands were opened by Muslim armies due to the imprisonment or ill-treatment of a single Muslim. Israel puts into practice the hadith of the Ummah being a single body, a policy which we have mastered in theory alone. All we are capable of doing to free our prisoners is a bit of letter-writing, a bit of petitioning and a belief that we have done our bit in the struggle. As admirable as this is, we all know that there is only one language the oppressors understand. It is worth reading the following extract from Pierre Berton's interview with Malcolm X on this issue.

BERTON: That "striking out," what form is it going to take? You talk of giving the Ku Klux Klan a taste of its own medicine. This is in direct opposition to the theory of nonviolence of Dr. Martin Luther King, who doesn't believe in striking back. What do you mean by "a taste of its own medicine"? Are you going to burn fiery crosses on their lawns? Are you going to blow up churches with the Ku Klux Klan kids in them? What are you going to do?

MALCOLM X: Well, I think that the only way that two different races can get along with each other is, first, they have to understand each other. That cannot be brought about other than through communication dialogue– and you can't communicate with a person unless you speak his language. If the person speaks French, you can't speak English or German.

BERTON: We have that problem in our country, too.

MALCOLM X: In America, our people have so far not been able to speak the type of language that the racists understand. By not speaking that language, they fail to communicate, so that the racist element doesn't really believe that the black American is a human being–part of the human family. There is no communication. So I believe that the only way to communicate with that element is to be in a position to speak their language.

BERTON: And this language is violence?

MALCOLM X: I wouldn't call it violence. I think that they should be made to know that, any time they come into a black community and inflict violence upon members of that black community, they should realize in advance that the black community can speak the same language. Then they would be less likely to come in.

BERTON: Let's be specific here: suppose that a church is bombed. Will you bomb back?

MALCOLM X: I believe that any area of the United States, where the federal government has shown either its unwillingness or inability to protect the lives and the property of the black American, then it is time for the black Americans to band together and do whatever is necessary to see that we get the type of protection we need.

BERTON: "Whatever is necessary?"

MALCOLM X: I mean just that. Whatever is necessary. This does not mean that we should go out and initiate acts of aggression indiscriminately in the white community. But it does mean that, if we are going to be respected as human beings, we should reserve the right to defend ourselves by whatever means necessary. This is recognized and accepted in any civilized society....

So lets flip it. Israel is currently holding captive almost 10,000 Palestinians, including women and children. The USA, in collusion with Britain, Spain, Germany, and many other countries, has not only kidnapped but also tortured thousands of Muslims all over the world. And they continue to hold these prisoners today. So if Israel are justified in targeted infrastructure and massacring civilians to rescue this solitary captive ... well, we got plenty of prisoners to free ourselves. Do we have the ability to take such measure? Very doubtful. Should we try? Results lie with Allah?

So is diplomacy a thing of the past now and have the rules changed? And if they have so changed, I am sure that there are plenty of people waiting for their throw of the dice.

As for Cpl Gilad Shalit, if the Zionists arent willing to trade off some of their own captives for his release, I pray they execute the bastard.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Challenging the Law: The Glorification of Jihad

"The only way to progress is to reject all the conditions of ignorance. When a system built on racism dictates the agenda and you accept the parameters, then you give it credibility. "

A music fan I am not but an Aki Nawaz fan, oh yes. This brother from Bradford is really testing the waters with some of the lyrics from his new album, All is War (the Benefits of G-had). The album goes to great lengths to discuss the racism, Islamophobia and arrogance with which the world and in particular the West treat Muslims and Islam today. From Srebrenica to Afghanistan, from Che to Osama, from apartheid to Islamophobia, Aki rejects the status quo and predicts that the only thing that will save America from its inevitable self-destruction is that very thing which it seeks to destroy - Islam.

Inevitably Aki's attempt to portray the truth of this whole 'war on terror' has ruffled a few feathers. Not only have two record company executives threatened to resign from the label if the album is released, but Aki also faces accusations of glorifying terrorism. Welcome to the club bro. It seems that any attempt to understand Osama bin Laden's motives or to equate a human bomb with an aerial bomb (all of which Aki does in style) is unacceptable in the West's self-righteous society, where they make the rules so they alone can break them.

It seems however that Ali, may Allah protect him, is ready to take whatever they throw at him. It is uplifting to see that he is prepared to be jailed and punished for defending his right to speak the truth and glorify that which we all believe in. Aki's message to the police is indicative of the risk he is taking ...

"I've got a Post-It note on my front door saying don't knock the door in, ring me, here's my number."

In doing so he embodies the spirit of the words of Martin Luther King who said

“An individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for the law.”

Prisoners in Paradise

An excellent thought-provoking comment piece below by Dr Azzam Tamimi on Malaysia's own Guantanamo Bay. It is something we often forget when we travel to beautiful tourist destinations and holiday resorts such as Malaysia, Thailand and Tunisia that the governments in these countries have some of the most brutal and terrifying human rights records in the world. The Internal Security Act has been the cause of endless persecution of those deemed hostile to the Malaysian governments - families have been destroyed, children orphaned, wives widowed and mothers left alone because of this piece of legislation, a legacy of Britain's colonial past.

Too often we tend to turn a blind eye to such oppression in order that we may enjoy our "well-deserved" holidays without disturbace by the natives. And who is to say anything is amiss in a land where the azaan sounds 5 times a day, where Islam is ostensible in all quarters and where progressive modernism and economics flourish. As Muslims, it is our duty to do what we can to be at one with our brothers and sisters. Rather than spending hundreds of pounds supporting the Malaysian tourist industry, would it not be more to our benefit on the Day of Judgment if we wrote to the Malaysian government and informed them that we would not be visiting their country until such time as they revoked draconian laws such as the ISA?

The same goes for other popular tourist destinations such as Turkey and Tunisia, where sisters are stripped naked of their hijab by the authorities, Thailand whose Muslims face daily discrimination and even murder by the government, and the UAE where migrant workers from South Asia and North Africa are treated as modern-day slaves. What is the benefit of ziyaarah to the masaajid and historic sites of these places when by doing so we continue the oppression of our own brothers and sisters? The economies of these countries thrive on their tourism industry - if we can do nothing else, we can boycott this industry and inform the governments of these nations of our boycott. So what if we end up with nowhere to go on holiday? What would you prefer - a few weeks in the sun or the pleasure of Allah and the gardens of Paradise for eternity?

May Allah reward Dr Tamimi for raising such an important issue as this one.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Will They Ever Learn

Police arrested 2 more Muslim men today in Bolton for "possession of information which could be used in the commission, preparation or instigation of an act of terrorism," , an accusation which seems to allow the police carte blanché to do what they want. Again, 250 officers were involved in the operation overall in what has become a regular display of zealous Hollywood overkill. Luckily, nobody got shot this time.

One wonders then why everyone seems to be shocked when polls show that a majority of Muslims have lost faith in the police and are the most anti-Western in Europe. What is interesting is that while 57% of Muslims polled thought it wrong for the police to act to pre-empt potential terrorist attacks, even if the intelligence, information and warnings may turn out to be wrong, 74% of the general public thought the opposite. This is a clear display of the majority oppression of the minority. Of course those who do not feel threatened by the police believe that it is justifiable to carry out bungled raids on innocent people, for they are unlikely to be targeted in such raids. If they were, they would be just as disillusioned as the Muslims here.

We can all live in our own personal Utopian Britain until such time as our own door is broken down and our own family humiliated - then each and every one of us will lose faith in the police and will hardly feel eneamoured to a Western society which has demonised us beyond redemption.

Monday, June 26, 2006

From Sami Yusuf to Yvonne Ridley

Open Letter
From Sami Yusuf to Yvonne Ridley


Dear Yvonne,

Peace and blessings of God be upon you.

Your recent article on 'Pop Culture in the Name of Islam' has been
brought to my attention. I commend you for voicing your opinion and
raising some very important issues – albeit in a very provocative
manner. I thought it would be useful to share some of my thoughts with
you on this matter.

As a Muslim artist, I regularly seek clarification and advice from
world-renowned scholars on art, music, singing and culture. Be
informed that the subject of music is one of the most controversial
topics in Islamic Jurisprudence. I respect those who consider music to
be haram. Yes eminent scholars of our past have opined such. However,
I respect and follow the opinion of other eminent scholars – classical
and contemporary, who permit singing and the use of musical
instruments. The well-established jurisprudential rule states that 'in
matters where there is ikhtilaf (differences of opinion) there is to
be no condemnation of either opinion.' This is from the beauty of the
religion of Islam. The diversity of our cultural, legal and social
traditions is something we are in dire need of celebrating not
condemning. So let's agree to disagree on this one.

The obsessive fascination of fans towards any celebrity - be it in
arts, music, politics, media, etc - to the point of hysteria and
hero-worshipping is definitely unhealthy not to mention un-Islamic. Of
course, as Muslims, we are required to abide by certain etiquettes in
whatever situation we may find ourselves in. However, I definitely did
not see girls dancing or behaving indecently in any of my concerts. To
state otherwise is a gross exaggeration if not an outright fallacy.
And if indeed that did take place then let's deal with it in the true
Prophetic tradition - a tradition that imparts love, mercy, tolerance
and wisdom. Let me share with you the story of the Bedouin who came to
the Prophet's mosque and started urinating in the mosque itself. The
Companions rushed to grab him and give him a 'good beating.' But the
Prophet did not allow them to do so and told them to let him be. After
the Bedouin had urinated, the Prophet asked his Companions to bring a
bucket of water and wash the place. Afterwards he called the man and
with gentleness and affection explained to him that this was a place
of worship and that it should be kept clean. Though I have to say that
had the Bedouin been around today he would be lucky to get away with
just a 'good beating'!

Indeed the state of contemporary mainstream music is one dominated by
celebrity worship, materialism and the constant promotion of a
consumerist culture that seeks only to derive instant emotional and
physical gratification. The arts industry in general – and the music
industry specifically – is being commercialised at the expense of art
itself. We don't value good art or good music anymore – it's about
what can sell most in the market. In the midst of all this, it is upon
all conscious and responsible artists who look beyond the commercial
to work in refining arts and music. Apart from entertaining audiences,
music is a powerful medium to communicate values and social messages.
In these times where heinous crimes against humanity are being
committed, we as artists – Muslims or non-Muslims, British or
non-British – have a duty to use this medium to bring some sanity to
this world of unrest, fear, violence, terror and war. Human life and
dignity are values that should be cherished and championed by all. Had
you listened carefully to the songs in my latest album which is
actually entitled 'My Ummah' before hastily passing judgements, you
would have noticed my modest attempt at addressing issues facing the
global Muslim community – such as regaining our lost legacy in all
spheres of human life, oppression in different parts of the Muslim
world, Aids, landmines, poverty and freedom to wear the hijab.

This leads me to another important issue which you raised – that of
identity and culture. Who are we? How do we define ourselves? What do
we stand for? Let me remind you again – I am a British Muslim. Proud
to be Muslim and proud to be British! Why? Because this is what Islam
teaches me to be – loyal towards my faith and my country. Throughout
our rich history, wherever Muslims settled they adopted and fused the
best aspects of the local culture/society with Islamic teachings and
traditions. As Dr. Umar Faruq Abdallah, a leading American Muslim
scholar and thinker writes in 'Islam the Cultural Imperative':

...In history, Islam showed itself to be culturally friendly and, in
that regard, has been likened to a crystal clear river. Its waters
(Islam) are pure, sweet, and life-giving but—having no color of their
own—reflect the bedrock (indigenous culture) over which they flow. In
China, Islam looked Chinese; in Mali, it looked African. Sustained
cultural relevance to distinct peoples, diverse places, and different
times underlay Islam's long success as a global civilization...

At a time when leading Muslim scholars and thinkers have reached an
advanced stage in crystallising theories of citizenship and positive
integration into Western societies, any discussion of renouncing parts
of our identity is simply ridiculous, dangerous and destructive –
especially for someone who has no other homeland. Such emotional
fist-pumping and chest-pounding about renouncing our British identity
may seem attractive to a minority of Muslim youth, but as Muslims in
positions of influence like yourself, we should not play to these base
instincts. Rather, we should try to be more far-sighted and
responsible in our discourse and not sacrifice this in the pursuit of
tabloid-style sensationalist journalism.

Do you not see the Prophet of Islam shedding tears whilst migrating
from Makkah – his beloved homeland to Madina despite the persecution
he suffered at the hands of its people. Britain is my home. I was
raised here as a child, I went to school here, most of my friends –
Muslims and non-Muslims - are British and my earliest as well as
fondest memories are rooted here. Does being British mean I take pride
in the oppressive and exploitative colonial past of Britain? Does it
mean I support the British invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq? Does it
mean I support the Anti-Terrorism Act? Does it mean I support the
erosion of civil liberties and human rights? Of course not! But
Yvonne, let us be fair and not forget that it was in Britain that the
world witnessed the largest anti-war demonstration – a testimony to
the moral consciousness of the British public. I too was in that
demonstration voicing my discontent over the foreign policies of our
government. Although we have our fair share of racism, Islamophobia,
discrimination, under-representation – and in no way am I claiming
that we live in a utopian society, but I still believe that British
society is amongst the most tolerant, open, liberal, multi-cultural
and inclusive societies in the world. We don't need to go far but
Muslims in the Continent would envy the liberties and opportunities
that British Muslims take for granted. Actually the real debate that
needs to take place is how are we to shape this emerging British /
European / Western Muslim identity and what direction it should take.
I see my work a humble contribution towards that end.

You are critical of my mention that the Metropolitan Police is
inclusive of Muslims. By God, who are you depending on to protect and
safeguard our streets? Yes, there is no doubt that the Metropolitan
Police have committed a series of grave mistakes and blunders – the
recent Forest Gate incident is one such example and the Police must be
held fully accountable for their actions. But we as Britons and
Muslims have a religious and civic obligation to help maintain a safe
and secure Britain. This actually raises serious questions about the
participation of British Muslims not just in the Metropolitan Police
but in mainstream civil society. We have three options as a community:
[1] To assimilate and lose our cultural, ethnic and even religious
roots. [2] To ghettoise and divorce ourselves from society and face
extermination. [3] To positively integrate and contribute to society
whilst remaining loyal to both faith and country. I – like the vast
majority Muslims – have chosen option three. We need to build trust
and partnerships with civil institutions and engage with them. This
path entails that we be active members in our communities and
societies; that we participate at all levels of society from politics
to sports, from academia to arts, from business to media; that we
reserve and exercise the right of dissent and criticism; that we join
our fellow citizens in building a safe, peaceful, tolerant and
pluralistic society that embodies the values of freedom and justice.
Thus I commend you for standing in the last European Elections,
General Elections and the recent Council Elections as a candidate in
order to get your views heard, to make an impact, and to represent
British people – although I hope you have better luck next time.
Positive engagement – not anarchist ranting -– is the path we must

It is true that the state of the global Muslim community is saddening
but are we meant to live in perpetual grieving and lamenting and dress
in black? Despite all the oppression and persecution suffered by the
Prophet, he would always find time to celebrate the different joyful
moments in life such as marriages, births, Eids and other happy
occasions. He, peace and blessings of God be upon him, also found time
to enjoy poetry and even had appointed a personal poet – the notable
companion Hassan ibn Thabit.

Maintaining balance and adopting the middle way is the key in these
troubled times of ours. Extremism and extremists have no place in
Islam and in our civil societies. "Perished are the extremists" is a
famous Prophetic tradition. Extremism is not a problem unique to
Islam. Every religion, every way of life, every ideology has its
puritans and those willing to distort and misinterpret it to meet
their own agenda. And these are no different to those that commit acts
of terror, who preach extremism, and who sow seeds of hatred in the
name if Islam. There is no denying that Muslims in places like
Palestine, Iraq, Kashmir and Chechnya are facing oppression and
tragedy every day, and both the Muslim world and the West need to come
together to solve these problems in the greater interest of humanity.
Western governments in particular must understand that to help the
majority of Muslims defeat the minority of extremists, they must
assist us in eradicating the daily humiliation faced by Muslims across
many parts of the world. Ending this humiliation is the only way
forward for us.

You have every right to criticise and disagree with me or anyone else
for that matter, and I always welcome any advice and constructive
criticism for I know my defects and shortcomings are many. I am guided
by the ancient wisdom which states 'May God have mercy on the one who
shows me my defects – for that is the best gift he could give me.'
However, in the Islamic tradition there are adab (ethics) of criticism
and disagreement. I know you wrote your article with sincerity and
zeal, but on a more personal level, I was deeply pained and saddened
by the hostile tone and the vulgar style of your language that was
brimming with sarcasm and was clearly un-Islamic, indecent and a gross
violation of the beautiful teachings of our beloved Prophet who said
"I was not sent except to perfect your manners." Using words such as
"astagfirullah dude," "lap-dancing," 'whooping and dancing," and
describing the volunteer stewards as "pipe cleaners" and "bulldozers"
are inappropriate to say the very least. What shocked and even angered
me was the way you shamelessly insulted our pure innocent sisters who
were supporting a charity concert by describing them as "fluffers"!
(Incidentally, these very sisters managed to raise over £100,000 for
orphans all over the world.) I – like the vast majority of those who
read your article – was blissfully ignorant about the very existence
of this disgusting obscene word, and I would question the wisdom of
introducing it to the vocabulary of your readers. As to my
performances, I always consciously endeavour to be responsible,
respectable, modest and dignified on stage.

It has been my approach that whenever personal criticism is levelled
at me I ignore it and get on with my work, as my philosophy in life is
to build and not destroy, and to unite not divide. However, on this
occasion I felt duty-bound to respond because of the dangerous ideas
and notions contained in your article. Yvonne, let us work together as
fellow Muslims and Britons in building a better future for our
community and all human beings and strive to make our world a safer,
more peaceful, tolerant and prosperous place.

Yours faithfully,

Sami Yusuf

Saturday, June 24, 2006

World Cup: Guantanamo Detainees v Prison Guards

Sounds like a great idea to raise awareness of what is happening.

Guantanamo Bay Protest Game To Kick-off


A MOCK football match between "Guantanamo Bay detainees" and "prison guards" will kick-off at the Al Fateh Corniche, Manama, tomorrow.

Players on the detainees' team will have to play with their hands tied behind their backs and their goalkeeper will be blindfolded to symbolise the fact that detainees are not able to compete on a level playing field.

The players on the "US military" team will be free to commit fouls on their opponents with disregard for the referee, who in this case will represent the United Nations (UN).

The game is being organised by Amnesty International (AI) Bahrain to highlight the "continuing miscarriage of justice" at Guantanamo Bay.

It is being called "The Great Game of Injustice: Guantanamo Bay" and kicks off at 5.30pm.

The mock play-off between the "US government and military" and "Guantanamo Bay detainees" is being held as part of the AI Bahrain campaign against the continued detention of more than 450 prisoners without access to free and fair trials at the US military base in Cuba.

The event also marks the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, which falls on June 26, AI Bahrain co-ordinator Nasser Burdestani said.

"Because of World Cup fever these days, we decided to use a football game to highlight the continuing miscarriage of justice at Guantanamo Bay," he said.

"Ev-erybody worldwide will be focusing from now until July 9 on the latest statistics of the World Cup matches: shots on goals, penalty kicks, ball possession, fouls committed, yellow and red cards.

"Meanwhile, a different kind of statistic will continue to go unnoticed in Guantanamo Bay - where there are no red cards handed out because the referee is not watching the game.

"By showing what these games of football would look like if the rules and the human beings involved were treated the way they are at Guantanamo Bay, we hope to highlight this injustice."

Former prisoners of Guantanamo Bay have described appalling prison conditions and torture inflicted by prison officials including physical abuse, sexual humiliation, force-feeding and psychological mistreatment, Mr Burdestani said.

"This has been repeated by FBI and prison staff," he said.

None of the prisoners, some of whom have been held at the prison camp for more than four years, has been given access to trials based on international standards of fairness, he added.

"We must take our responsibilities and stop being complicit with this human rights scandal through apathy and silence," he said.

The event is open to spectators.

For more information, contact Nasser Burdestani on 39423421. SOURCE: Gulf Daily News

Case of Babar Ahmad radicalising Muslims in Britain

The Free Babar Ahmad campaign has released a damning report into the government's handling of Babar Ahmad's case and its effect on the Muslim community in Britain. Entitled A Counter-Productive Extradition Policy: The Effect of the Babar Ahmad Case in Radicalising Muslims in Britain, the report constitutes an in-depth study into the counter-productive effects of the UK's one-sided extradition policy with the U.S. The Extradition Act 2003 Category 2 legislation allows the U.S. to demand the extradition of any British citizen, without having to provide any prima facie evidence. Evidence is provided in the form of excerpts from emails, letters and weblogs; music, poetry and video inspired by this case and statements by leading figures.

Ominously the report warns that the British Government's handling of the case of Babar Ahmad and its lopsided extradition arrangements with the U.S. has succeeded in radicalising a new generation of British Muslims.

"The fury, bitterness and ominous threats heaped on the British Government and western establishments leave no doubt that British Muslims are being pushed towards extremism by the Government's failure to listen to their pleas and their blind persistence with an unjust and dangerous extradition policy."

Maybe its just me but I do not believe that it serves any purpose for Muslims to use relative undefined terms such as "extremism" and moreover to warn that we are all becoming "extremists". A more suitable conclusion may have been that the events have resulted in the awakening of the Muslim community to the harsh reality of the injustice and oppression of the British justice system. Hollow threats that we are all turning to "extremism" only serve to justify the very measures we fight against, justification this government is in desparate need of.

Otherwise, a very good read and a deep insight into how this case has affected the hearts and minds of British Muslims.

Click here to download the pdf version of the report
Click here to view the Executive Summary of the report

Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Need for Violence

Its funny how international politics works - almost 200 nations sit around a table stressing the need for global peace and stability, for an end to war and famine, for the nations of the world to resolve their disputes in peaceful, democratic way and that violence is not only the morally reprehensible way forward but that it is something that one cannot negotiate with. Consequently, the international community refuses to negotiate what it regards as "terrorists" on the premise that to do so is to reward violence.

Yet practically on the ground we learn that it is only violence which brings about results. It was the dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan by the USA which brough about an end to the Second World War. It was the violent resistance which removed the colonial powers of Britain and France from America and Algeria respectively. It was violence which pushed Britain out of Ireland, and Russia out of Chechnya; it was violence which caused Spain to withdraw her troops from Iraq and it was a violent uprising between 1987 and 1993 which forced the Zionist entity to even consider returning a fraction of the land it had stolen from the Palestinians.

It has been a couple of months now since Hamas was elected into government in Palestine in what were universally acclaimed as fair and free elections. Until last week, Hamas had not committed a single attack against Israel for well over one year, despite repeated Israeli massacres against the Palestinians. For all their peaceful endeavours and willingness to adopt democracy, Hamas and the Palestinian people have been punished with an international boycott, deadly economic sanctions and a non-stop blizzard of Israeli missiles which have slaughtered scores of civilians, mainly children, including three yesterday and 2 today. For this violence, Israel has been rewarded by the international community with recognition, tea at Downing Street, and the respect and fear of the world. Whats more,if this report from the Guardian is true, Hamas may be about to commit a U-turn and recognise Israel as part of a two-state solution.

Violence works - the international community does little for people who cannot stand up for themselves. Those who lie down and wait for their enemies to stampede over them are treated with contempt. Those who show strength and fight for their beliefs earn the respect and fear of the world.

For Muslims, the choice is simple. We renounce violence and we renounce our right to live with dignity on this earth or we stand up and fight back against our oppressors and for our beliefs and the world is forced to respect us. As Sheykh Abdullah Azzam (may Allah have mercy on his soul) said

"Jihad and the rifle alone. NO negotiations, NO conferences and NO dialogue."

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Dominick Lawson calls to Islam

Dominic Lawson: "We should all adopt an Islamic lifestyle. I would happily see the entire male youth convert en masse to Islam, and wear their hair upside down."

The Independent
Published: 20 June 2006

Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari, the newly elected leader of the Muslim Council of Britain, has the potential to become a national treasure. He took up his office on the day of the Forest Gate raid, in which an apparently innocent Muslim was "accidentally" shot by one of 250 armed policemen. Dr Bari must have been tempted to make a dramatic impact in his new job by calling on British Muslims to demonstrate their anger, but instead he has discouraged such a response with his own painstakingly reasonable reaction - one which has been followed by the two brothers whose east London home was legally wrecked.

Dr Bari has, however, attracted criticism from some quarters after an interview he gave to mark his arrival as chief spokesman for Britain's Muslims. Unlike his somewhat opaque predecessor, Sir Iqbal Sacranie, Dr Bari, as befits a former RAF man, was straightforward in stating his objectives. Britain's non-Muslim population, he said, had much to gain from the Islamic way: arranged marriages, for a start, which, he said, was "a wonderful system".

Gambling had become a terrible British habit, he went on: "All physical and mental energy should go into actually earning money, working for it." And above all, Britain would be better off without alcohol, which "is worse than other drugs; it destroys families".I think that's a pretty good manifesto for Britain. Let's go through each of Dr Bari's propositions in turn. Don't all parents secretly want to be able to choose the people who marry our sons and daughters - or at the very least have a power of veto over unsuitable prospective sons and daughters in law? Our children, of course, would deeply resent such interference, but that doesn't actually mean that they would be right and we would be wrong. Such practices have long been abandoned among the non-Muslim British, although among Orthodox Jews it still exists, at least in a form sufficient to rule out dangerous fraternisation with Gentiles.Although my own family's Jewishness was completely secular, I vividly remember a telephone call of over 25 years ago from what can only be described as the Kosher Nostra, attempting to fix me up with the right sort of girl. The theatre tickets had been bought and the dinner afterwards would be "taken care of". I suspected the hand of my maternal grandmother, who, while entirely irreligious, was still perturbed by my interest in non-Jewish women. I turned down the offered date, which must have been a great relief to the poor girl on the other side of the suggested transaction. But I understood my grandmother's intervention to be entirely well-meaning.

Dr Bari's strictures against gambling are less old-fashioned - indeed they are probably in line with the view of many secular social commentators. He is surely right to say that the modern British obsession with getting rich through gambling rather than hard work is a deeply depressing phenomenon. And although it has tended to be politicians of the left who are the most critical, Margaret Thatcher, with her strong Methodist background, was appalled by the decision of her successor, John Major, to reintroduce a National Lottery: not only was it gambling, but it was state-sponsored gambling.A friend of mine claims to have witnessed Margaret Thatcher haranguing a woman in a newsagent who was attempting to buy a Lottery ticket. "You must save your money, dear, and then it really will grow," he recalls the former prime minister telling a very startled would-be lottery millionaire.

On the matter of alcohol, Dr Bari's strictures against British decadence are entirely welcome. At the time of the Commons' vote to outlaw smoking in pubs and clubs, I wrote here that "it would be better to ban drinking in smoking clubs than the other way around". That remains my view, notwithstanding some very cross letters from the anti-smoking fanatics. While it is completely unproven that "passive smoking" leads to lung cancer - indeed there is compelling evidence to suggest that it can't - it seems generally agreed that something approaching three quarters of all violent crimes are associated with the consumption of alcohol. Of course, we can't know how many of those crimes would not have been committed if drink was excluded from the social equation, but it's clear that this is a drug with extraordinary powers of disinhibition. In other words, it strips away the self-restraint that we associate with civilised patterns of behaviour.

The World Cup is already providing us with wearily familiar glimpses of the function of alcohol in modern Britain: plans by authorities in London and Liverpool to show England games on giant screens in public have been abandoned after one game, after drunken rioting took place. So far, the travelling supporters appear to have behaved themselves in Germany - by which is meant that while they have kept the locals awake all night with their chanting, they haven't actually started throwing objects around.

Football is not the cause of the drinking: obviously the game itself can not be entirely blamed for the social evils that surround it. A friend of mine, for whom football is a meaningless void, chose instead to spend last Saturday attending a concert by The Who in London. She told me that the drunkenness there spoiled the entire experience for her - and doubtless for many others. She was struck three times on the head by bottles thrown randomly through the night air, and her companion was hit by a plastic bottle full of urine, which, disgustingly, burst open when it hit him.Prohibition is not the answer: the American experiment in the 1930s proved how that merely added to crime, while scarcely reducing alcohol consumption.

But I would happily see the entire male youth of Britain convert en masse to Islam, and wear their hair upside-down, if that had the effect of making the centres of our towns and cities peaceful places after dusk. Such a mass conversion of notional Christians ought not to be necessary - the Church of England played a tremendous role in the temperance movement of the 19th century. But the established Church seems too much involved in internal existential squabbles to be able to mount such a national campaign again.I'm not sure that Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari will welcome my endorsement: a couple of years ago, he publicly called upon the owners of The Sunday Telegraph to sack me as editor, because I had published articles by an employee of the British Council which were violently critical of Islam. But I never took Dr Bari's attack personally, so - as it is perhaps not written in the Koran -let bygones be bygones.

Sunday, June 18, 2006


Orthodox Jewish Settler in Israel becomes Muslim and moves to Palestine
(I thought I'd watched this, but it's a different, longer version)

Turning Muslim In Texas

A Muslim for 30 Days

Yusuf Islam on Islam



Hamas Behind the Mask

US Soldiers Against War

Wall of Hate:Palestine

Another Green Bird in Paradise

The Press Service and the Administration of the President of the CRI have officially confirmed the death of the President of CRI, the Amir SDK Majlisul Shura of CRI, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of CRI Armed Forces, the Amir of Caucasian Mujahideen ">Sheikh Abdul-Halim Sadulayev.

"Think not of those who are slain in Allah's way as dead. Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord; They rejoice in the bounty provided by Allah. And with regard to those left behind, who have not yet joined them (in their bliss), the (martyrs) glory in the fact that on them is no fear, nor have they (cause to) grieve."(Holy Quran, 3:169-170)"

Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the Garden (of Paradise): they fight in His Cause, and slay and are slain: a promise binding on Him in Truth, through the Torah, the Gospel, and the Quran: and who is more faithful to his Covenant than Allah? Then rejoice in the bargain which ye have concluded: that is the achievement supreme."(Holy Quran, 9:111)

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Yaa Aabid al Haramayn

O worshipper of the two sanctuaries, if you were to see us
You would know...your worship is a mere frivolty

O you who stains his cheeks with such pious tears
Whilst our chests are weeping...tears of blood.

- Abdullah ibn al Mubaarak, Warrior-poet and scholar
(Student of Abu Hanifa, and teacher of al-Bukhari Ra.)

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Seven More British Muslims Facing Extradition to the United States

Seven More British Muslims Facing Extradition to the United States
BBC 27th September 2008

Muslim Leaders meet Prime Minister Over U.S Extradition Arrests

Earlier today Muslim community leaders met with Prime Minister Gordon Brown at Downing Street to express their concerns over the latest arrests of British Muslims on extradition requests from the U.S. The seven arrests in Birmingham last week, all of Britons of Pakistani origin, brought the total number of terrorism-related arrests under the Extradition Act 2003 this year alone to 132, all British Muslims.

Imtiaz Hassan, a 21-year-old university student from Birmingham appeared at Bow Street Magistrates Court on Friday charged with conspiracy to murder Israeli soldiers in Israel. David Simpson, counsel for the U.S., stated in Court that Hassan had been overheard by fellow students talking about “the Jihad in Palestine” and that he had actually purchased an airline ticket to Jordan dated 6th October 2008. Since the ticket had been bought using an American Express credit card, Mr Simpson told the packed courtroom, the “U.S. claims jurisdiction over the offence because all American Express transactions are processed in the U.S.” Hassan’s family denied the allegations, insisting that he was only travelling to Jordan to study Arabic.

Under the terms of the Extradition Act 2003 Category 2 legislation, the U.S. does not have to provide any evidence to a British court before demanding the extradition of any British citizen or resident. The 2003 UK-U.S. Extradition Treaty was signed by former Home Secretary David Blunkett and U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft on 31st March 2003 and came into effect in the UK in January 2004. Over five years on, the U.S. Senate has still failed to ratify and give effect to the Treaty, meaning that the Treaty remains one-sided with no reciprocal benefit to the UK. Yet during this period the U.S. has made 223 extradition requests of the UK, of which 169 are of British Muslims accused of terrorism. 84 British Muslims have already been extradited to the U.S., of whom 22 are serving whole life sentences in U.S. prisons. This state of affairs has been roundly condemned by Muslims and civil liberties groups.

Babar Ahmad was the first British Muslim to be extradited to the U.S. in February 2007, after a protracted legal battle to the House of Lords. After a three-month trial, widely criticised by human rights groups due to the admissibility of torture evidence, he was convicted in a Connecticut court in January 2008 of terrorism related offences and sentenced to life in prison in solitary confinement without possibility of parole.

Commenting on the recent U.S. extradition arrests, Babar Ahmad’s family said, “We are saddened that matters have come to this. For two and a half years we campaigned vociferously against the UK’s oppressive extradition arrangements with the U.S. but the Muslims of this country failed to support us. The Muslim community remained in denial and refused to understand the implications of this law for themselves, their children and their future in this country. We repeatedly told everyone that Babar’s case was the test case and that if Babar was extradited it would open the floodgates to extradite all those British Muslims to the U.S. whom the UK authorities were unable to charge. But it seems as if no-one believed us because they thought that we were exaggerating and scaremongering….”

De Manzoor Shah, spokesman for the Muslim Affairs Trust, said in a joint press conference after the meeting at Downing Street, “We expressed our concerns to the Prime Minister about the high number of British Muslims that are being extradited to the U.S. without any evidence and he has promised to look into out concerns.” Prime Minister Gordon Brown added to Dr Shah’s comments by saying, “As we have always maintained, our terrorism and extradition laws are not aimed at Muslims or any particular community. They are aimed at terrorists, whatever their faith or background. Extradition between major allies is a necessary and vital tool in the fight against terrorism. The U.S. is a mature democracy that respects all international laws and the British Government fully accepts assurances from the U.S. Government that it does not make unjustified or improper extradition requests.”

What do you think is the likelihood of a news piece like this appearing in two years’ time? As it stands now, it is almost certain if the present state of affairs continues.

One of the things I have failed to grasp after two years in prison is the ignorance, naivety and denial of British Muslims in understanding the significance of the 2003 UK-U.S. Extradition treaty. They have simply not realised the threat that this extradition legislation poses to the very future of themselves and their children in this country. It has been sadly amusing watching Muslim leaders and groups run around crying about incitement to religious hatred laws, glorification of terrorism laws and whether to intern Muslims without charge for 28 days or 90 days, yet the reality is that all these laws put together do not even amount to 1% of the tangible oppression upon British Muslims under the current UK-U.S. extradition legislation.

Incitement to religious hatred laws would not have protected British Muslims from state sponsored Islamophobic terrorism (i.e. racist police, etc.) anyway, so it makes no difference whether or not they are passed. The best protection the oppressors can give the oppressed is to protect the oppressed from their own evil. Glorification of terrorism (i.e. a Muslim speaking out against injustice and oppression) is only a seven-year maximum sentence of which one serves half. And 28 days, or even 90 days without charge, pales in comparison to the many years that one can hold someone without charge under the excuse of ‘extradition’. So why is it that the British Muslims failed to kick and scream about UK-U.S. extradition legislation in the same way that they did about these other laws? Because these laws are only the smokescreen to sneak in the more sinister UK-U.S. extradition law.

On Wednesday 10th May 2006, 293 MP’s- many of whom had assured their constituents in private meetings that they would oppose the current UK-U.S. legislation- voted in support of the U.S. against the interests of British citizens by rejecting crucial amendments to the Police and Justice Bill 2006. Did anyone hear or know about it? Of course not, because it did not come on the news. Compare the list of MP’s who showed token opposition to the UK-U.S. extradition legislation by signing Early Day Motion 241[i] with the list of 293 MP’s who voted for U.S. interest[ii] when it came to the crunch vote that would have turned EDM 241 into law.
See any names that appear in both these lists? When some people say that Parliamentary democracy is a farce and that most MP’s are basically two-timing, lying hypocrites who care about nothing except their careers, can you blame them?

It is odd that we are innocent and naïve when it comes to ascertaining whether we are being taken for a ride by those who wish us harm. Yet we do not seem to have the same naivety and innocence when it comes to conducting business or haggling the price of our next Mercedes. Director of Liberty, Shami Chakrabarti, recently said words to the effect of, “It is all well and good Muslims protesting about a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad, but it would have be more worth their while if they were to protest against CIA torture flights and Guantanamo Bay with the same vigour.” Sometimes it takes an outsider to point out the painful truth to us if we ourselves are blind to it.

I recently received a letter from Rachid Ramda who is in a French prison. Rachid is the Algerian man who was extradited to France in December 2005 after fighting extradition from Belmarsh Prison for 10 years. He wrote to me, “ I feel that the Muslims of Britain let me down and did not do enough to help me. I really hope that they do not let you down in the same way that they let me down…”

British Political Prisoner Babar Ahmad
HMP Woodhill
7th June 2006

[i] List of MPs who have signed Early Day Motion 241
[ii] List of MPs who voted for and against the amendments to the Police and Justice Bill

When the Gloves come off, the Molotovs come out

"When the gloves come off, the Molotovs come out: that's the lesson we should have learned about policing minorities. "

Excellent article by Faisal Bodi below. Just think about how things have deteriorated in this country since 9-11: stop and search, police harassment, internment, control orders, severe police brutality, public execution, and now shooting people in their own homes. For those who argue that this is for all our safety, it is worth clarifying that no community is more terrorised and feel less safe in this country than the Muslim community. And would the same people be saying the same things if the shoe was on the other foot?

Terrorist - Until Proven Innocent

The Forest Gate fiasco just gets worse for the Met. It now appears that the boys in blue omitted to check out their tip off. They also failed to announce their identity as policemen when they burst into the family home of Abul Koyair, and Mohammed Abdul Kahar, shot the latter in the chest, not the shoulder as earlier stated, beat him up as he lay wounded and in shock, told him to "shut the fuck up", and dragged out his elderly mother in handcuffs.

Just for good measure they put in a repeat performance with the family at next door. It's bad enough but when it happens in the shadow of the continuing IPCC inquiry over the killing of Jean Charles de Menezes (his olive skin made police mistake him for a Muslim), and lingering anger over the brutal arrest of Babar Ahmed, it does make your hackles rise and set you wondering whether terrorising the Muslim community is not an undeclared policy. With such an unenviable track record in the war on terror one might have expected to see the police exercising more caution and self-restraint, not to mention a degree of professional humility and decency.

Let's put this into perspective. Abu Mus'ab al-Zarqawi, the leader of the Iraqi arm of the west's number one enemy, is put under surveillance for several weeks before US forces take the decision to dispatch him. In Forest Gate, a 23-year-old man with no history of crime is shot in his own home on the basis of a an informant's uncorroborated tip off.

British police have come to rely heavily on "man in the mosque" intelligence. They see it as an effective way of penetrating close-knit communities in the same way they used to rely on IRA informants.

In Preston, many young men in my community have received visits from MI5 officers on the strength of an informant's tip off that they have travelled to Afghanistan, or harbour extremist views. However, for all the tens of doors that have been knocked, to date not a single arrest has been made.

The problem with this type of intelligence is that it is often gleaned from petty criminals for whom police have found a better use, or from people trying to settle a score. As such it is notoriously unreliable.

But on this occasion, the monstrous intelligence bungle was again compounded by a disproportionate use of force. This is where things get really scary for for it suggests that when it comes to policing Muslims, it's shoot first and ask questions later.

Even then the Met could have limited the fallout by maintaining a professional silence over events until the smoke had lifted. Instead it went on a PR offensive that quickly turned into a humiliating own goal. We now know that Mohammed Abdul Kahar wasn't shot in the shoulder, as police initially stated in order to downplay the seriousness of the incident. He was blasted at close range in the chest, without any prior attempt to peacefully restrain him.

We also know that the cocksure posture they adopted in telling the world's press they had intelligence pointing to the presence of a chemical bomb was premature.

The fiasco doesn't appear to have shamed the media Islamophobes either. It was educational watching them as they set about suggesting that the brothers possible beliefs made them complicit in their own ordeal. Do they support suicide bombings? What were their views on jihad? Was it fair that they may receive more compensation than the 7/7 victims?

I hope the Prime Minister was watching today's proceedings. Having heard the other side of the story it might persuade him to drop his support for his namesake at the head of the Met. But I think that all this talk about sackings is a diversion. The problem goes beyond the Blairs. His real target should be the waves of anti-terrorism legislation that has been brought into force over the last six years. In criminalising large swathes of political activity they have turned fighters of injustice into terrorists and given police a free hand to administer the kind of "pre-emptive" strike that is far more characteristic of Tel Aviv than London.

That's an incendiary recipe. If our own history has taught us anything about policing minorities, it's that when the gloves come off, the Molotovs come out.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Released Detainees Refute US Guantanamo Suicide Cover UP

Three men are tortured to death. The world is told it was a suicide pact. To rub salt in the wounds even more, the US claim this was an "act of war" and a "publicity stunt". Some ex-detainees give their opinion of what happened below.

PRESS RELEASE: Tuesday 13th June 2006

London – Former Guantanamo detainees, including the 9 British nationals released from the camp, have poured scorn on allegations that the three deaths at Guantanamo were suicides and claim that they are almost certainly accidental killings caused by excessive force used by US guards there.

Moazzam Begg, in a statement on behalf of all the freed British detainees elucidates that the camp’s regime is designed to dehumanise detainees and to make them bereft of hope and believe they have no rights – framing and encouraging suicide amongst them – and suggesting imaginative ways to do so.

Tarek Dergoul, who spent significant time with two of the deceased, provides the first in depth insight into their time in Guantanamo. He describes both Manei al-Otaibi and Yasser al-Zahrani as having indefatigable spirits, never once discussing or contemplating suicide, and being the foremost in their lack of cooperation with their captors and long term committed hunger strikers; leading them to be punished by frequent reprisals and beatings by guards. That it was camp policy to systematically beat incompliant prisoners, Tarek says, makes it hardly surprisingly that such vicious attacks could result in death.

He further elaborates that in Camp One, where he was also held – it would have been physically impossible for them to have committed suicide successfully.

Abdullah Alnoami a former detainee from Bahrain substantiates this accusation, exposing the true nature what was previously believed to be the most oft-quoted suicide attempt at the base, of a Saudi detainee in December 2002. Following an ERF attack, Mishal Al Harbi was left in a coma and permanently paralysed and restricted to a wheelchair for life.

Dr. Adnan Siddiqui of Cageprisoners said “It is clear that the US administrations claim that these deaths were suicide does not stand up close scrutiny and we call on the US administration to allow a full and independent inquiry to debunk the cover up and lies that these deaths were suicide and not murder.”

Statement on the Deaths in Guantánamo Bay
By Joint Former British Detainees

Another Guantanamo Whitewash
Statement by Tarek Dergoul

Statement by Abdullah Alnoaimi

Cage Prisoners is a human rights organisation that exists solely to raise awareness of the plight of the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay and other detainees held as part of the War on Terror. We aim to give a voice to the voiceless.

Contact: Asim Qureshi:


Number: 0044 (0) 7973264197

'Hadji Girl 'Marine Apologises

"I grabbed her little sister and put her in front of me. As the bullets began to fly, the blood sprayed from between her eyes, and then I laughed maniacally."

- Lyrics from "Hadji Girl" by Cpl Joshua Belile

"I apologize for any feelings that may have been hurt in the Muslim community. This song was written in good humor and not aimed at any party, foreign or domestic. . .I will never perform this song again, and I will remove all video and text in relation to this that I have control of."

- Belile apologises in Jacksonville Daily News

The song can be viewed at ' Hadji Girl' Video
(The video's audio is slightly out of synchronization.)

I encourage all those who view this video to execute at least one US marine in their lifetime and I pray that Allah (swt) gives us all the tawfeeq to carry out such a glorious deed. These people are rabid dogs who deserve no mercy.

So Whose Fault Is It Then??

Beach Deaths "not Israel's fault" - Israeli War Minister. Amir Peretz

Our Role in the Rape of Iraq

The rape of Iraq continues and the moral depravity of the American soldiers deteriorates even further. Not only are these trigger-happy killing machines content to annihiliate every man, woman and child they see but now they have begun singing songs about them. Everey nation has her ballads and anthems praising the courage and valour of her sons an daughters who sacrificed their lives to liberate their land and fight oppression; the Americans are no different except that their latest anthem glorifies the rape and murder of the innocent civilians of Iraq.
"I grabbed her little sister and put her in front of me. As the bullets began to fly, the blood sprayed from between her eyes, and then I laughed maniacally."
The song "Hadji Girl" was viewed on by over 50,000 people with many soldiers leaving comments of support. It has since been withdrawn but is a clear indication of the rabid dogs we are up against. The full story can be read on
and is something to bear in mind when reading sister Yvonne's latest article below.

Sideline Rapists
Friday, June 02, 2006

WOULD you stand by and do nothing if you came across a woman being raped?

What would you think of the man holding down the defenseless woman to make it easier for the rapist to carry out his evil deed? And what would you think if you saw a group of other men standing by watching the whole grotesque event, but doing nothing to stop the attack? As you survey their sweaty, contorted faces, you suddenly notice one is even capturing the whole event on film while another is whistling a tune. There is another angry-looking man, but he is pointing accusingly at the victim as she is being attacked while another is goading the rapist and encouraging him in his vile act.

Would you be able to live with yourself afterwards if you did nothing to help?

I like to think that you would do something to stop the rape --either by picking up your cell phone and calling 911, hollering "help" as loudly as you can, or maybe by hitting or attacking the rapist. Personally, if I came across such an attack and was armed, I'd blow the rapist's brains out.
I was actually e-mailed a cartoon of what I've just described. I think it was supposed to induce a wry grin, maybe a faint chuckle or a couple of guffaws. Instead, it provoked a train of thought which ended with a sigh and a shake of the head in total dismay. The metaphor was blindingly obvious. The young, defenseless maiden is almost certainly Palestine, but if you want you can substitute Palestine for Iraq or even Iran. Those gathering around at the table are obviously the belly-dancing Arab leaders to which I often refer, who dance and sway and entertain America while delivering whatever tasty morsels are demanded on a plate to the US. The cartoon is obscene, but it is compelling because it is simply telling the truth -an awful, horrible analogy of the situation in the Middle East today. The rapist, by the way, is dressed as a US soldier.

I love satire and irony, especially when it is done through clever caricatures, cartoons and comedians. The secret of a great cartoon is one which rips ruthlessly into foreign powers, political figures or dictators who seize public platforms and shamelessly hog the limelight. They say the pen is mightier than the sword, and when it is being wielded by a talented artist, it can deliver its target straight into the 'laughing stocks,' without mercy. But, as we saw from the Danish cartoons -which were of an appalling quality, it is not funny when you target individuals simply because of their skin color or faith. When a gifted cartoonist hits the spot, naturally the image will literally zoom around the world courtesy of cyberspace. Such an image is winging its way into email inboxes at the moment, but the irony is so bitter I doubt if it will make you laugh. You can view it on the website The site has been set up by Abu Mahjoob Creative Productions (AMCP), which says it aims to condense and encapsulate human communication to raise public awareness, deliver a message or simply tell a story in the most striking and effective manner. The agency was set up in 1999 using the signature "Abu Mahjoob," --a creation of AMCP's co-founder and creative director Emad Hajjaj. The name Abu Mahjoob, which literally translates "father of the hidden," reveals so much by pretending to hide it. It plays reverse psychology, subtle conclusion and a cynical sense of humor to make the reality of life around us even more somber and striking than ever. I only wish the Arab leaders would look. I wonder if that Egyptian butcher Hosni Mubarak would recognise himself. He is a vile man who will sacrifice and deliver his people on a plate to the Bush gang. Of course I can spot the Khalijee kings and despots alongside the right royal hypocrites of Jordan, Morocco, and Tunisia. And let's not forget those who are occupying the Arabian Peninsula; they are all depicted in this grotesque parody of life in the Middle East.

And what are we, as the Ummah, doing? Most of us are standing from a safe distance watching the watchers. I wonder what that makes us.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

The Diseases in our Hearts

Earlier today I attended the Rally for Justice outside New Scotland Yard, a protest called for by a coalition of Muslim and non-Muslim groups, encompassing organisations as diverse as Muslim Council of Britain, Islamic Human Rights Commission and Hizb ut-Tahrir. A protest to show the police that the Muslim community has had enough, that we stand together in solidarity with terror suspects and we will no longer tolerate this humiliation, this degradation and this criminalisation of our community. A worthy cause, good weather, and a sunday afternoon. Estimated turn-out - 250 people (Organisers claimed 1000, police stated 100).

So where were the angry masses? Where were those who boil over with fury at the injustices being committed against the Muslims all over the world? Where were those who harp on about unity and activism, about the need to move things forward and display our dissent in a peaceful democratic fashion? Where were the Islam Channel addicts who could follow Yvonne Ridley all the way to Copenhagen but could not make it to New Scotland Yard today? Where were the 90,000 Muslim students in this country? Where was Muhammad Abdul Kahar's 2 million brothers and sisters today?

I heard many excuses from practising brothers yesterday as to why they would not be attending the protest.

It doesn't achieve anything

So in those 2 hours between 2 and 4 pm today, I would like to know what these brothers did that contributed to ending such injustices.

There is a criminal justice system in this country which we should use

Correct and not only should we use them but we have to use them, if for no other reason than to expose the racism, corruption and Islamophobia that is rife in it. Anyone who has used the system will tell you that it has only been public pressure that has brought them even a semblance of justice, and not the system itself.

Protests don't work. We need riots.

Excellent - how you going to start a riot from your home?

I don't want to expose myself aakhee, I want to keep a low profile so I can go abroad and fight the kuffar there

Without questioning the niyaah, how many of these armchair jihadis actually do take any concrete steps to go for jihad? These brothers will talk and talk and talk, will wait and wait and wait, talk some more, wait some more, always waiting but never willing to take that definitive step. Their lives end with them having done little more for the ummah than talk to their friends of how bad the situation is.

In reality, these excuses are all symptomatic of the deeper disease that has infected our hearts; that as long as we are comfortable and living a good life, nothing else matters. Those whose hearts are a little more hardened will always pull out the 'no smoke without fire' argument. Those a little softer will mean well but because they are not personally affected by what is happening, they will use the excuses listed above. I ask all of these brothers that if it was their own blood brother, or father or sister who was arrested, shot and humiliated, would they not do all that was in their power to stop it? If it was their own father who was detained without charge and being tortured in Guantanamo Bay, would they remain silent believing that we should use the system and that protesting is pointless?

The answer is clear - each and everyone of us will work around the clock to ensure that our family members are protected and safe from harm. But we all claim the Ummah is one ummah, that we are all brothers and sisters, that like one body, if any part of it is suffering the whole body will feel the pain and suffer from fever and sleeplessness. Unfortunately today, we do not feel this pain and are happily snoring away in a deep slumber, too obsessed with our jobs, our families, our mortgages and the World Cup to notice the suffering of our fellow brothers and sisters. Until such time as everytime we see a house being raided, we imagine it as out house, every Muslim who gets arrested, we see as our own brother, and every mother who weeps for her little boy in prison we see as our mother crying over our plight, until this time, we are nothing but traitors to our covenant with Allah.

For Muslims in this country, getting that door broken down is probaby the best thing that can happen to us as it is confirmation of our identity as a Muslim. Police harassment has become a sign of our eemaan.

Friday, June 09, 2006

The Death of Zarqawi

"Five other people were killed in the raid including ... an unidentified woman and child"

Where are their pictures? Who butchered them? Are their deaths justifiable in order to catch the bigger fish? If so, does it apply both ways - can an attack on a building in which George Bush is present be justified with the risk that civilians may be killed? If not, why not? He has more blood on his hands than Zarqawi.

In Occupied Palestine yesterday, Palestinian Security Chief Jamal Abu Samhadana was assassinated by Israel. Let us be clear here - a member of the government of a nation has been assassinated by another state, yet it barely gets a mention. Again, are members of governments of the world legitimate targets now?

7 Palestinians civilians were killed and 30 injured in Gaza today by the Israeli war machine.

May Allah (swt) forgive all who die in His way and award them the status of shuhadaa. May He cause us all to join them one day.

Rally for Justice - Sunday 11th June, 2pm


Sunday 11th June, 2pm, Outside Scotland Yard.


The police raid in Forest Gate on June 2nd involving some 250 officers was one of the largest single raids in Britain. With the intensification of "terror raids" throughout the country and "trial-by-media" sensationalism, communities are under severe attack and must show unity.


The heavy-handed tactics of the police are proving counterproductive. Instead of increasing security, high profile police "terror" raids have only spread more fear.


Despite the Government's boasts of a diversified society, the criminalisation of Muslim communities and rising Islamophobia are a direct result of Government policies.


The anti-terror legislation is eroding all of our civil rights and the Government intends to extend police powers without the need for accountability.

Nearest Tube: St James Park.
For more information call: 07908 750 748 07915 063 564


Islamic Forum Europe (IFE)
Stop Political Terror (SPT)
Muslim Association of Britain (MAB)
Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC)
Young Muslim Organisation (YMO)
Muslim Directory
Muslim Parliament
Muslim Prisoners' Support Group
The 1990 Trust
United Friends & Families Campaign
Stop The War
Newham Monitoring Project (NMP)

Visit Palestine

Click on back square for the trailer.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Yvonne: Say No to Pork

Once again it seems that sister Yvonne is speaking aloud what we all believe in our hearts but do not have the courage or articulation to express it outwardly. At a Respect party meeting in Newham on Tuesday, she told Muslims to "boycott the police and refuse to co-operate with them in any way, shape or form." She said: "From today until this terrorisation of the Muslim community is stopped immediately, I believe all Muslims should withdraw their support. This goes from asking the community copper for directions to passing the time of day with a beat officer. We should enforce non-co-operation."

Now, many of Yvonne's critics, and she does have quite a few both within and outside the community, will be crying out "extremist", "attention-seeker" and will begin accusing her of shouting impractical solutions which are of no benefit to any community. Fair comment? Perhaps.

Sometimes, I too can see where they are coming from. But after a little more reflection, the question inevitably does arise as to why it is impractical. And I am stumped. What have we got to lose by non-cooperation. Shadow Home Secretary David Davis claims non-cooperation will be of no benefit to the Muslim community, to the police or to the security of Britain. Of the latter two, he may be correct. But only because the corollory of engaging with the Muslim community is of benefit to the police and national security. But is engaging with the police of any real benefit to the Muslim community?

For almost five years now since 9-11, the Muslim community has been engaged at every level with the police in what is loosely termed a "consultation process". One must realise however that consultation is a two-way process. What is happening is simply information in that the police inform the community that they will do such and such a thing. The community objects and advises the police against the measure. They do it anyways and go to the press and claim that the move was taken "after consultation with leaders of the Muslim community." As a result, we have seen incidents such as Forest Gate, such as Operation Kratos (still in place), incidents such as tanks at Heathrow on Eid, the brutal assault and humiliation of Babar Ahmad (to date not a single officer has been held responsible), the prejudicial comments repeatedly made by senior police officers, as well as the increasing stop and search and pre-dawn raids . This has been the net result of engagement with the police.

Not much of a benefit there. So why dont we try disengagement? Lets see how they react. I am not talking about out of the way hostility or terror attacks, simple non-compliance. You shot my brother, you humiliated my mother, you questioned where my God is. As a result Mr Police Officer, I refuse to have anything to do with you. Thank you very much. If you want to arrest me go ahead, you would have done it anyways.
Will more Muslims be arrested? No doubt. Will harassment increase? Of course. Will it improve our situation in this country? Possibly. Will the police feel they can win this war without our support? For awhile until the horrible reality hits them. Will the police do all they can to bring Muslims back to the table? You bet ya. Will they subsequently treat us with a little more respect? Very likely.

One thing is for sure though is that in this process we will retain our dignity, our self-respect. We have been told by Allah that we are the best of the people as long as we fear Allah, enjoin the good and forbid the evil. As Imam Abdul Malik says, Allah made us a nation of lions so we should quit going around acting like pussycats.
Sister Yvonne's idea is not impractical, nor is it a new one. It has been mentioned before but the community has always lacked the impetus to act upon it. Let us pray that this time its different and that our brother Muhammad Abdul Kahar did not get shot in vein.

Monday, June 05, 2006


False prophets

Brian Whitaker

June 5, 2006 12:00 PM

For a long time now, I have been meaning to take a cool, reflective look at Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Irshad Manji. The ordeal of keeping calm long enough to write about them and avoiding serious damage to my blood pressure at the same time was mainly what prevented me.

Now, thankfully, someone else has done the job. There's a long essay about them in The Nation magazine and, considering the subject, its restrained tone is admirable.

Hirsi Ali and Manji ("the Muslim refusenik") are the most prominent among several "reformers" of Arab or Muslim origin lionised by the American media and in Britain by the likes of Melanie Phillips.

Editors and TV producers love 'em. Their strident views make for entertaining television and, of course, the things they say are generally what the US public wants to hear. The trouble is, their approach is so simplistic and confrontational and so insensitive towards the culture they are trying to change that it does more harm than good. Among ordinary Muslims - the people they are supposedly seeking to help - their credibility is virtually zero.

In the academic world, people like Hirsi Ali and Manji are known as "native informants", though Issandr el-Amrani of the Arabist blog has another term for them: "courageous reformist Arab personalities (CRAP).

Being a CRAP is quite lucrative - Manji reportedly charges $7,500 (£4,000)an hour for giving a talk. If you fancy joining them, there's a bit of advice here on how to do it. From a media point of view, it helps if you're a woman. And the latest female addition to the CRAP stable is Wafa Sultan, an ex-Syrian who shot to prominence as a result of some shrill remarks on al-Jazeera television that were then brought to an American audience via Memri.

It is the male native misinformants, however, whose advice is more often listened to by the Bush administration. Prominent among these are Fuad Ajami (an associate of Bernard Lewis, the neocons' favourite historian) and Iranian-born Amir Taheri. Last month Mr Taheri wrote an article saying the parliament in Tehran had passed a law that would require Christians, Jews and other religious minorities to wear distinctive clothing: "Jews would be marked out with a yellow strip of cloth sewn in front of their clothes while Christians will be assigned the colour red."

This, echoing the practices of Nazi Germany, was a classic piece of anti-Iranian propaganda - and sections of the media readily lapped it up. Unfortunately for them, the story was wrong.

Read the full article