Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Beware of this man!

Mark Regev
Israeli Foreign Ministry Spokesman

Best bits:
"Israel is ready for a truly independent enquiry. We are not ready for a kangaroo court."

Also read Israeli Occupation Force (IOF) soldier gets two weeks jail sentence for shooting foreigner

"Palestinian spokespeople have spoken about thousands of people murdered in the so-called "Jenin Massacre". The more moderate spoke of hundreds of people murdered. Those same organizations you mentioned in your question, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, have both published reports in which they say there is no evidence whatsoever of a massacre. It was all simply atrocity propaganda of the crudest sort. I think we should all learn from this that the words of Palestinian spokesmen should be treated with the same caution that one treats the words of the spokespersons of other despotic regimes with a similar credibility problem."

errm...what can i say. Damn those who deny the holocaust?!

Worst performance:

TONY JONES: How does an Israeli jet using laser-guided bombs manage to wipe out a UN post whose coordinates were very well-known to the Israeli military?

MARK REGEV: I think that's an excellent question and I wish I had a good answer for you today but, I'll be honest, I don't. The Prime Minister has ordered the military to conduct a comprehensive investigation.


TONY JONES: We understand it was a bombing from the air. Do you understand - do you know whether in fact it was a laser-guided bomb?

MARK REGEV: No, I don't have that information and I apologise but, once again, there will be nothing to hide here.


TONY JONES: Here are some facts we can talk about. The actual UN post is known as Control Base Khiam. It was painted white, had a big UN sign on the roof and other UN signs around it. It had been there in fact for decades. How could it have been conceivably accidentally targeted?

MARK REGEV: Well, once again it is not for me to say.


TONY JONES: OK. How can you explain the attack on Sunday night reportedly by an Apache helicopter on that ambulance heading for Tyre in a convoy where an Israeli missile went straight through the centre of the Red Cross on the roof of the ambulance?

MARK REGEV: I'm sorry, but I haven't been briefed on that particular event and so I don't have a good answer for you.

TONY JONES: It's on front page of the newspapers here in Australia and it's received coverage all round the world because I've read it on the Internet.

MARK REGEV: I'm just not familiar with that event and I apologise and I can say the following: we do not deliberately target civilian targets, whether they are Lebanese civilians or anyone's civilians.


If you find any more pearls of wisdom from Mr Regev, feel free to contribute.


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