Thursday, December 14, 2006

Prodi the plonker

Olmert filmed 'Coaching' Prodi

Channel 10 showed footage of Olmert apparently leading Prodi into endorsing Israel's view

An Israeli television station has broadcast footage that appears to show Ehud Olmert, the Israeli prime minister, coaching Romano Prodi on what to say during a joint press conference.

The footage, broadcast on Israel's Channel 10 television station, was taken from Olmert's first offical trip to Rome where he met the Italian prime minister.

"It is important that you emphasise the three principles of the Quartet - that they are not negotiated [sic]. They are the basis for everything," Olmert says, referring to Western demands that Hamas, which runs the Palestinian government, recognise the state of Israel before peace talks can begin.

"Please say this?" Olmert asks his nodding counterpart in English.

Prodi then delivered words to that effect. He also endorsed Israel's vision of remaining a Jewish state, which rules out an influx of Palestinian refugees.

Channel 10 television suggested that Prodi's statement on the continued Jewish identity of Israel was also at Olmert's prodding.

"You said something about a Jewish state [in the past]. I know that," Olmert is shown telling Prodi.

Olmert and Prodi aides had no immediate comment on the Channel 10 footage.

Source: Aljazeera


At 12:46 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Argh!What is going on.

"Western demands that Hamas, which runs the Palestinian government, recognise the state of Israel before peace talks can begin."

Peace should be the only condition for any talks. They didn't have such 'pre-conditions' in South Africa or Northern Ireland or anywhere else for that matter :@ If Hamas even set 'recognise (what's left of) Palestine' as a condition to talks, I doubt very much they'd get anywhere, let alone their right to return. Makes me mad.

At 11:26 a.m., Blogger insomniac said...

check this out

At 12:50 p.m., Blogger Bint Muhammad said...

Ya Allah!


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