Top 10 Dilemmas of the Muslim soldier in the British Army

Quite interetsing points made below - but this is exactly what they want us to do. Die for Britain. Die for Blair. Die for the Queen. But whatever you do, dont die for Allah. Interesting how this latest terror plot revolves around the issue of kidnapping "good Muslims" to maybe make "martyrs" of them.
Top 10 Dilemmas of the Muslim soldier in the British Army
By Showkat Ali
1.Constantly having to prove yourself to your colleagues that your more British and loyal to the Union Jack than you are to Islam and Muslims
2.Agree with your colleagues when they bad mouth Muslims and Islam and not say anything even though u know that they are talking B……T and are ignorant and racist.
3.Not pray or fast in Ramadhan because that would label you a fanatic.
4.Keep quite when Muslim men, women and children are interrogated (abused) Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo style. Even forced to participate just to prove that your loyal to Britain
5.Accept military rations because to ask for halal meat would portray u as a fundamentalist Muslim.
6.Have hatred and contempt for your forefathers who fought and resisted British colonialism in the 1920s and 30s because like u they didn’t join the British army to kill fellow Muslims and establish colonial rule.
7.Rejected by your community, friends and family as a traitor ,chamcha and ghulam of the British
8.A minority of Muslims might plan and plot to kidnap u, torture u and record your beheading to be posted on the internet as a warning and deterrent to others who might be considering a career in the Crusader armies.
9.Find it difficult to get married to a practicing Muslim woman who wants a husband that the children would be proud of.
10.Problems on the day of judgement when Allah swt rejects your martyrdom because u died fighting under the union jack and promoting the colonialist Crusader agenda.
I challenge anyone to refute any of the above points based on Islamic evidences and that from the reality. Please forward widely, post on discussion boards, mailing lists and edit and add as u please. JazakAllah khair in advance
May Allah swt keep the Muslims communities unified in this time of great pressure and test. May Allah swt humiliate those who accuse believers without evidence and expose them as the liars once again e.g Iraq war, forest Gate raid, Muslims in Guantanamo bay etc. Please Help the ummah and forward this article.