God bless Muslims have no power
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God bless that Muslims have no power. If they had they would ruin the world. God will only give them power when they finally return to their spiritual path and get their dunja out of their hearts.
The Messenger of Allah (Allah grant him blessings and peace) said, "A time will come upon the people in which a person among them practicing his Religion with perseverance will be like one clutching onto a cinder." In the face of the persecution our Ummah faces today, we must challenge these laws that attack our faith and remain defiant in our support for our suffering brothers and sisters around the world. Refuse to kneel - remember that our foreheads bow to Allah (swt)alone.
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British Higher Education Minister Bill Rammell has come out and ordered an urgent review of university Islamic courses on claims that young Muslim students were being exposed to radical teachings.
The Ethnic Cleansing of the Palestinians continues through the apartheid policies of Israel. That this law, which prohibits West Bank residents from living with their spouses in what is now 'Israel', has been upeld by the Supreme Court is a damning indictment of the institutionalised apartheid in Israel. In a nutshell, any Israeli Arab who marries a Palestinian from the West Bank will have to move to the West Bank if he/she wishes to reside with their spouse. Is this what we call "the only democracy in the Middle East"??
This is just pure genius - letter to the Guardian by Chris Davies, Lib-Dem MEP who was forced to resign as head of the Lib-Dems in Europe for offending a Jewish constituent who called him a Jew-hater because of his criticism of Israel.
Murdered boy's pleading letter
700 potential Al-Qaeda members at large in Britain since 9-11 - they dont seem very active if you ask me; only one attack in 4 years and that wasnt even them!! And what exactly is a potential al-Qaeda member? It seems any Muslim could be a potential al-Qaeda member so they have really miscalculated - should be 1.6 million potential al-Qaeda members in Britain. Even more worrying is the fact that there are almost 30 million men in Britain, i.e. 30 million potential male rapists at large. Be afraid, be very afraid.
Well well, the Attorney General Mr Goldsmith is happy to condemn the US for Guantanamo yet proudly boasts of his own country's benevolent policies of control orders, secret intelligence, deportations with almost certainty of torture, and laws on "glorifying terror".
Excellent piece from IRR here on the implications of the new glorification laws.
Interesting article from Sunday Times
"She said I destroyed a life and she lost a husband," Moussaoui said.
Sorry to continue this debate but this article by sister Yvonne is brilliant. Be warned, she does mention SY by name.
Did anyone catch Dispatches on Channel 4 tonight? Tariq Ramadan was doing a special programme on ijtihad in Europe called 'The Muslim Reformation'. Details below.
Yet, for over a decade, this man, resposible for more deaths than AQ are accused of, has been living opnely in Serbia, visiting public places, eating in expensive restaurants and even attending football matches. He went somewhat into hiding since Milosevic got arrested but hasnt gone into his cave yet, so to speak.
Now, the EU has had enough. So what are they going to do? Economic Sanctions? You got to be kidding me - thats reserved for Muslims who use democracy to elect Islamic parties into power. No, the EU have taken the gloves off and said it will stop talks on closer ties with Serbia if Mladic is not arrested.
I am sure Mr Mladic is shaking in his boots - not so much a man on the run, as a man on the walk.
Now here's an idea - imagine trying to pull this off here in Britain? It would really bring the country to a standstill - a Day without Muslims. Of course, just as the Hispanics have their own sell-outs, we too would have our "We are Britian" brigade encouraging people to go to work, school, etc and join the demos afterwards. But just imagine if we could pull this off ...